Michelle Marie Farrell

Michelle Marie Farrell

impact17 is a passion project

impact17’s mission is to help the world’s leading innovators and top organizations understand the world of multilateral development banking. Having worked in both the private and development sector, I realized that most of the vendors and consultancy firms who serve development institutions often do not work outside of this specific sector. While these vendors can be very thorough and well-prepared for the typical research and reporting that is needed, I failed to find partners with a more commercial mindset that would help us demonstrate the “business case” to local business owners and operators. I could see that to actually change minds, we needed a new strategy beyond another market assessment, sustainability roadmap, or a “good enough” design that meets the project requirements but fails to deliver anything new or interesting to the market.

impact17’s creator

Based in Washington DC USA, Michelle Farrell works at one of the world’s largest development banks, and is usually battling a combination of jetlag, parenting mishaps, and climate-induced anxiety. As a hobby, Michelle enjoys making more work for herself by coming up with new projects that she believes will help the world.

Michelle Farrell is dedicated to pioneering data-driven solutions for climate-smart, efficient, resilient, and sustainable practices. With a background in environmental physics, architecture, optimization, and performance modeling, she leverages analytical insights to drive high performance while minimizing costs.


  • LEED AP - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)

  • DGNB International Consultant - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen, DGNB GmbH/ German Sustainable Building Council

  • EDGE Expert - International Finance Corporation (IFC), World Bank Group


  • MBA (Business Analytics) - Hult International Business School

  • Masters in Architecture - Boston Architectural College

  • Bachelor Design Studies - Boston Architectural College

  • School of Hard Knocks


Please note that all opinions are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of current or previous employers. Also, please note that outdated, incorrect or inaccurate information may exist on the website from time to time. All information must be confirmed directly with the development bank.

Media -

Interviews -

Speaker -

Media - Interviews - Speaker -

Above Left to Right: Interview with CNBC Africa, Panelist at COP28 at the United Nations Environment Pavilion, Panelist at COP28 at the Rwanda Pavilion

EDGE for Self-Built Homes: A success story from India: IFC Impact Story

Michelle managed and filmed the story of Aavas Financiers, one of India's leading housing loan finance companies, to tell the story of how they partnered with IFC to create a solution to allow for EDGE certification of self-built houses, a game-changing innovation in the affordable housing sector.

Knowledge Events and Webinars - September 2024

Michelle Farrell uses her vast network of sustainability professionals and experts to conceptualize and execute both online and face to face sessions that establish and maintain IFC's thought leader position in the green building market. In this session, she explored issues faced by SIDS/small island states.

Gustavo Favaron Interviews: Michelle Farrell - “ESG reporting is no longer an option”

In a conversation with Gustavo Favaron, CEO & Managing Partner of GRI Club at India GRI 2023, Michelle discussed the global shift towards ESG reporting, emphasising that it is no longer a mere trend but a mandatory requirement in many countries, as seen with India's imminent Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR).

Michelle Farrell represents IFC at high-level public and private sector engagements - Jamaica, August 2024

Supported the IFC launch of the EDGE Buildings program in the country during a roundtable discussion with key CEOs in the financial, real estate, conglomerate, health, energy, and agriculture sectors.

Reach me via LinkedIn or the contact form.